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분류 논문
학술지 구분 SCOPUS
저서명 Social Exclusion on Vagrants in Modern Korean History Disgust Behind Institutional Isolation
저자 이재준
참여구분 공동저자
저자 수 2
발행처 Central and Eastern European Online Librar
게재일 2023-07-31
본문(링크) https://doi.org/10.6001/fil-soc.2023.34.2.3
초록 This study analyses the affectivity of social disgust behind the oppressive exclusion of social minorities, such as the forced institutionalisation of vagrants in modern Korean society. This social exclusion of vagrants is divided into two forms: the forced institutionalisation of ‘infected vagrants’ during the Japanese occupation and the forced institutionalisation of ‘vagrants themselves’ during the developmental state. In both cases, the visible power apparatus of exclusion of minorities was socially legitimised by the effective use of disgust politics of purification and isolation. Through this analysis, this study joins the discourse on affective communities as a critical alternative to deinstitutionalisation by revealing the dynamics of the social disgust that threatens the community’s existence.
주제별 분류 기타(지역,종교,계급)
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