
After conducting the Sookmyung Research Institute of Humanities HK+ “Age of Disgust, Response of Humanities” agenda project,
we publish the related research theses in professional journals in Korea and abroad.

분류 논문
학술지 구분 등재
저서명 A Journey Toward Self-Awareness and Restoration in No Telephone to Heaven
저자 육성희
참여구분 단독저자
저자 수 1
학술지명 영어영문학연구
발행처 대한영어영문학회
게재일 2022-02-28
초록 This paper explores Michelle Cliff’s No Telephone to Heaven (1987) with a focus on the protagonist Clare Savage’s migratory journey and her attempt to restore and rebuild her self and homeland. A sequel to Abeng (1984), No Telephone to Heaven portrays the
주제별 분류 인종
유형별 분류 문학

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