
‘공공보고서’는 사회적인 혐오 문제에 대응하는 전 세계 전문 기관의 각종 정책 자료를 망라한다.

A report on 'A Study of human rights based improvements for the long term care service system'
  • 저자아셈노인인권정책센터
  • 발행처아셈노인인권정책센터
  • 발행연도2018
  • 작성언어영문
  • 키워드노인 자기결정권, 노인의료복지시설, 장기요양서비스, 제도 개선
  • 자료형태보고서
  • 수록면37쪽


Despite growing interest in better quality of life in old age, and community care has shown potential for expanding home care services, the reality of long-term care in Korea is that older persons rely on facility benefits for the most part. Although there is growing interest in the life of older persons in nursing home facilities and their right to self-determination in admission to and discharge from such facilities, few studies have been conducted on this matter.
  The present study aims to identify how the right to self-determination for those who are using nursing home facilities is guaranteed when they are admitted to and discharged from these facilities from the perspective of human rights, and to suggest practical and policy implications on how to improve the long-term care service system.

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